Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day

January 24 is National Peanut Butter Day
Toast and Peanut Butter, © B. Radisavljevic
Here's a holiday  I can show some enthusiasm for. Although I'm having a bit of  trouble finding out the origin of National Peanut Butter Day, I won't let that keep me from celebrating.

I shall have my usual slice of raisin toast with peanut butter for breakfast and enjoy every bite. I usually have part of an apple with it, too, and a cup of tea. Can you think of a quicker, tastier way to get your protein in the morning?

What is your favorite way   to eat peanut butter?


  1. Actually I've never been a peanut butter eater (except sometimes on celery), but my whole family is. PB&J sandwiches was my hubby's favorite. And I've heard SO many people love peanut butter on their toast. My son puts peanut butter in his smoothies!

    1. I love peanut butter in many ways, including on celery. Of course, I also love peanut butter cookies.

  2. Enjoyable post thank you for sharing


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