Friday, January 22, 2016

January 22 is National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

Do We Need a Day to Answer Our Cat's Questions?

Why is a day set aside to answer your cat's questions? None of the cats I've been associated with in the past few years have ever asked me questions. The cats in my life don't ask questions -- they make demands.

January 22 is National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day
Is this cat trying to ask me a question or making a demand?
© B. Radisavljevic

"Feed me."
"Open the door."
"Give me more attention."
"Leave me alone, I'm sleeping."

Why should I answer a cat's questions? They never answer mine?

"You just demanded to go out. Why do you now want to come right back in?"
"Just why don't you like that brand or flavor of food in your dish?"
"What are you trying to tell me?"
"Why do you get upset when I'm on the phone?"
"What makes my lap more attractive to you when I'm working on the computer or reading a book?"
"Why must you climb to the roof of my car to sleep and leave pawprints all over the windshield?

It's my guess that if today is National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day,  your cat will wait until tomorrow to ask you any questions.

Need Help Answering a Cat's Questions if You Do Get Them?

More help in understanding your cat can be found in these books.


  1. Enjoyed this thank you for sharing this treat

    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

  2. Having homed a stray cat or two in my time I did get quite a chuckle out of this! I would say the cat pictured here is demanding, not asking, something of you!

    1. Ruth, I wrote quite a bit about this cat, Sarah, on Bubblews and Persona Paper. In one post I called her an extortion cat, along with her sidekick, Garfield. When I would come home, they would look at me with those accusing eyes until I gave them cat treats. And they weren't even my cats. They would just wait on the porch and make their demands. But Sarah was fun, and she gave me a lot of blogging and video material.

  3. I love it and how clever of you to turn that question around so well!! Good work!

    1. I just told the truth. I adore cats, but I try not to be manipulated too much. They do make demands.


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