Sunday, November 22, 2015

Colorful Flowers Brighten Castoro Cellars in Autumn

Autumn Flowers at Castoro Cellars

Castoro Cellars has a lovely garden near its tasting room. The flowers aren't rare -- just colorful. I especially like these near the arbor walkway that connects the tasting room and the parking lot.

Colorful Flowers Brighten Castoro Cellars in Autumn

Unique Containers For Flowers

Many of the flowers grow in containers. Some of those containers are conventional pots, such as the ones these fuschias  are growing in.

Colorful Flowers Brighten Castoro Cellars in Autumn
Fuschias in Pot at Castoro Cellars in November

But it's pretty common to grow flowers in pots. At Castoro Cellars, they also use older grape vines as containers. Here is one of them, next to the pumpkin display by the door. I like the idea of a living planter. How appropriate this is for a tasting room. This particular example is actually a planter in a planter since the vine planter is growing in a wine barrel.

Unusual Planter at Castoro Cellars in November, © B. Radisavljevic

If you visit Castoro Cellars, there is also a row of these planters growing in the ground near the patio covered by the arbor. Some are planted right next to vines still bearing. It's easier to see this in summer and before harvest.  Look for them next time you go wine tasting at Castoro Cellars.

What other unique planters have you seen made from natural materials?


  1. I've seen folks grow plants in gourds and hollowed logs, but never on a grapevine. What a clever idea!

    1. I think it's very clever. The entire property is beautiful.

  2. Nice pictures as always, I enjoy them immensely!


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