Monday, June 15, 2015

The Simple Pleasure of Playing in the Sand

Professional Sandcastles at 2015 Paso ArtsFest

It seems everyone loves the pleasure of playing in the sand. In this post I will return to the Paso ArtsFest of 2015, to the middle of Pine Street next to the park where all ages are playing in the sand. The photo below shows the pros -- the ones who brought all the sand boxes and who build spectacular castles.

Building Sand Castles at the Paso ArtsFest, 2015, © B. Radisavljevic

Sand sculpture is definitely an art, as anyone who has ever tried it knows. I've often wondered how it feels to build a magnificent sand castle, and then have to tear it down to take it somewhere else and start over, or to build on the beach and walk away, either watching as the tide comes in and the waves knock it down, or just knowing that will happen when you are gone.

Children and Sand Just Go Together

Playing in the Sand at the Paso ArtsFest, 2015, © B. Radisavljevic
Children aren't thinking about what will happen to their creations at the end of the day. They are in the present. Kids are content with the simple pleasures of experimenting with the sand. They feel its texture as they run their hands through it. They see the impressions left as they use shovels and other provided tools, as well as hands and feet, to mark the sand. Adults stand by to make sure they don't throw the sand at each other - to keep peace in the sandboxes.

These children can see the sand castle being built a few feet away from them, but they see no need to imitate what the adults are doing. They are perfectly content to just enjoy the sensations of the sand as they touch it and any discoveries they might make about how it responds to their touch. They are enjoying the now, free from the pressure to build something just because someone else is. They can follow where their imaginations lead.

Give your own children the pleasure of playing in the sand this summer. You may even want to join them. Here are some great sand toys and tools to make it even more fun.


  1. That first sand castle is amazing. I don't think I would have the patience to build something that intricate that will soon be destroyed by the weather. It's pretty cool that the kids don't feel intimidated at all. I think that masterpiece would stop most adults from giving it a try.

    1. This is the only year I did not see anyone else working with the expert in that sandbox. As I recall, some years even the kids were in with him. I don't remember the separate sandboxes during the other years, either, but that could just be my bad memory. I wasn't able to attend in 2014.


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